Written by Martin Rae
If a business plans to undertake the challenge of managing large scale projects, the processes put in place to manage them efficiently are crucial to their success. These processes also have a large impact on the rest of a company’s undertakings.
Small businesses may find the transition from small scale work into multi-faceted projects to be rather challenging. However, with careful planning and a solid structural understanding of the required work, the management of the processes can be simplified. At docs24, we have always prioritised developing these processes. As a result, we continuously improve the service we offer whilst our capacity to engage in large-scale projects increases.
We have worked continuously with our clients over a long period of time. Thus their feedback has been the driving force in allowing us to develop processes in a manner that is most beneficial to them. This can best be surmised by the author Thomas Berger, who famously said:
“The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge.”
Constant engagement with clients and being able to adapt the service provided are crucial. A company could not hope to be able to expand into large scale projects successfully without these.
We believe the key factor in managing large projects efficiently is the ability to track everything accurately. Large projects tend to have multiple sub-projects that go live at the same time. These can quite often all be at different stages of completion. For example, you may have one sub-project that is already in production, one that is at the quotation stage and one that is pending approval from the client.
Being able to plan out these sub-projects and prioritise them efficiently is crucial to the success of the project as a whole. Taking the time to do this before a project goes live will help to ensure a much smoother process for both the client and the company that is undertaking the work. D Meyer stated this best:
“A project without a critical path is like a ship without a rudder.”
It is, of course, not always the case that every aspect of a project can be planned from the outset. Often time restrictions do not allow for this. Adapting to changing requirements is equally as important in being able to manage the processes. Through consistent communication between ourselves and our clients, we at docs24, feel we are able to achieve this.
To summarise, the key factors of success in managing such a workload are:
- Careful planning of the required processes in order to undertake the larger workload.
- Constant communication with the client
- Being able to adapt to changing requirements.
Through a marriage of the above, large projects can be managed successfully and efficiently. This ensures a positive experience for the client and giving the contracted organisation the ability to complete all tasks to the required standard.